
Product Update: Certifications and Google Home Integration


Good news on Mysa's product certification! We have addressed the issues we encountered last week that showed our emissions were above the allowable level (Read more here) in the EMC lab and will be retesting our thermostat as early as next week. As well, we received confirmation that we have completed and passed all electrical and mechanical safety tests for Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) approval. During these tests, our thermostat is subjected to several extreme conditions to evaluate the safety of our product and Mysa was deemed safe under the most extreme of conditions. Our testing lab is currently writing the safety testing final report and when they issue, we can begin manufacturing!

On the software front, we received Google's OK for our Google Home integration. As of yesterday, the Mysa thermostat can now be found in the Google Home app. Check out this video demonstration of Mysa being controlled through the Google Home unit!

by LastSale
by LastSale